There is nothing greater than overcoming pride by being saturated in humility. I have realized my need for humiliation. I am very embarrassed. I have broken my own rules. No longer am I steadfast. I am realizing my own imperfection. Through this I am becoming stronger, mightier. Savage I am not, for my outer shell is that of a newborn lamb. In the quietness the lamb is filled with wisdom and energy, the commotion hovers and the lamb seeks its Source in trusting desperation. My mission is to love fully, disregarding the requests of my fallen nature.
The beast convinced me that I am wrong, that all of my wisdom is wrong, and that I must be attuned to my desires, inviting a spirit of gluttonous lust to direct me. The goodness that I had was tarnished. For I believed that those pursuing holiness could not be shaken by the heavy footsteps of the dark. Ignorance became prevalent, a blind road ahead without peace or sunlight, I felt the road crumbling beneath me. Winds were windier, colder, chapping my skin of which allowed tiny insecurities to seep into the pores and cracks. Respect for my innate wishes of purity were dehydrated. Not an ounce of energy left, a scream or cry for help deemed impossible. Those familiar gentle hands of tender remedy cradled me within, my weak limbs folded into fetal, I was nourished by the sweet milk of the Mother.
Rolled onto my knees, I peered over the ledge of these hands. Eyes closed tight, one leap and I was surrounded by air, my weakness invigorated with pure energy, Whoosh! Tossed into water, the coda of a brave jump. Enveloped by the elements composing my own being I was blithe, I worked with them to stay on the surface, and we moved together to the land. Tumbling onto the warm sand finding rest, the sun flowing into my mouth, lungs, heart, belly. My skin glowed, I walked around infecting the darkness with the endless energy of love, the earth rattled by a heartbeat.
Tears were no longer a fear, for they are a sweet nectar saturating the land with freedom. Freedom through tears caused by suffering! No longer am I afraid of suffering,
I am only afraid of the darkness which tries to overtake my light.
This is an apology, a request for pardon from the actions my body has manifested.
All that is within my heart, all that is within my mind, is shown through a collection of muscles bones and organs that move and produce sound. I cannot deny that my body was representing the truth. But the truth has changed.
I'm overly and underly in love. To be understood so completely is sheerly irreplaceable. In each others arms we are comfortable. He magically whisks me out of my mundane thought. The intensity of our perfectly paralleled souls burys me to hibernate with the nutrients of the warmest words spoken to me. Its as if we finally realize that we deserve love and our utmost desire is to fulfill this destiny.
the silliest thoughts tickle our minds
and the invisible wiring in our bodies
makes us chortle these intense sounds
like gasps of air and sometimes
these sounds get really loud
or they stay in closed mouths
but overall are pleasing to release
and also hearing them sparks
more to escape from our lips
our heads feeling weightless
laughter evokes happiness
with a hand on your belly
you recline with eyes wrinkled
fuzzy baby coons are dancing
inside each breath exhorted

My struggle is,
I know the options, and the outcomes of each option.
So lately I've been choosing the contrary option to the norm.
Pretty much the rebellious and bad option.
I want to understand where people are coming from,
why they behave a certain way, why they enjoy things like
alcohol, drugs, lust, possessions.
AND now that i'm done with my experimentation,
it's time to return to my snail shell,
and to slowly creep along the dirt like I was before.
Who cares if the other bugs' bodies are much faster?
For they do not know the quickness of my mind.

Let the heat of the sun evaporate all hostile and negative flood waters.
See the smile on the sun's face.
Allow the muscles of your mouth to move freely upward and the breath clogged in your lungs to escape in laughter.
Saturate your belly with food from the earth.
Clink the bottles together and celebrate life!
For one moment of rejoicing can melt away many moments of anguish.
Twist until you click with the rhythm of the land, as the sap bonds merrily with the pine tree.
Stride boldly into places clouded by oppression and purse your lips, exhaling a tingly wind of love and hope.
May your words seep in, corroding evil like acid ruins metal, to where the chains weighing down their souls become flaky like croissants, enabling them to tear away and run into the arms of their heroic Father, with soggy clothes drenched in tears.